Sunday, May 26, 2013

Defiance - The Game - Faction Rep building is worse than WoW Fishing :)

So I'm at the same point as quite a lot of others players I'm guessing, you've done the main story, you've done the side missions and now you're wondering what now ....?

Well it's onto rep grinding then, something that should be very familiar with any MMO player out there. Except in Defiance it's a very different beast, here's the break down basics.

What is it?

  • There are five factions at this time.
  • One faction WILL require you to do some PVP (player versus player)
  • Each faction gives you two faction quests
    • One has to be completed in 24 hours and usually involves collecting a certain amount of items (which is really just killing a whole bunch of something).
    • The second lasts longer and is a little harder to complete.
  • Sadly the reward is very low and it is pretty much going to take a hell of a long time to get your faction levels up beyond friendly.
  • Rewards are usually purchasable items from the vendors much like anything else you've been buying up to this point in the game, but they [should] be better quality and have some nicer stats.
So is it worth it?

Well I guess the only real answer at this time is ... what else you going to do instead until those DLC's (downloadable content) start dropping? :)

There is an excellent site you can use as reference should you get stuck on where a particular contract is and other details for it, just visit

Goodbye Samsung S3 hello HTC One

Switched from Samsung Galaxy 3 after finally getting fed up with all the plastic and spotty working GPS on jellybean.

My new baby is an HTC One and this thing is sweet, the build quality really does feel like quality, the screen is gorgeous and it's as responsive as any iDevice I've ever used. Took a while to get used to sense, and in the end I put APEX Launcher back on it as that app just rocks.

So what phone are you going for this year?

Saturday, May 4, 2013